Dave and Sue Andrews
Over 15 years ago, out of frustration and desperation as a pastor of a church in a small town, trying and failing to sincerely help the people in my church move toward a fulfilling life as a Christian, my wife (Susan) and I were introduced to Cleansing Stream Ministries. Since, God has used CSM to cultivate fruitfulness and long term discipleship in our own personal spiritual journey and has helped us to shape and change the lives of countless others as well.
The Biblical, foundational teachings and life applications used in the five seminar teachings of CSM are vitally important for every follower of Jesus Christ. Without these Biblically based truths being lived out on a daily basis, I believe it impossible to live a healthy, growing Christian life.
There are wonderful courses and ministry resources available today, written by very gifted, Godly men and women. I have used many of them. However, I have discovered that it doesn’t matter how great the curriculum is or how relevant the truth, if the five foundational principles of CSM are not active in the believers life, other transforming truths are almost ineffective. The five foundational principles of CSM provide a necessary framework for others truths to be embraced.
It has been our privilege, over the past 15 years to watch hundreds of people “throw off every weight that slows them down” and be truly discipled through CSM. Our prayer is that with the teachings and life tools of Cleansing Stream Ministries, God will define His purpose and power in you and you will experience renewed hope, vision and passion for the life He created you to live.
Let the adventure begin!