When people experience personal healing and deliverance, many desire to learn how to help others do the same. If you have gone through The Cleansing Stream Seminar and Retreat you have experienced it firsthand! The gospel message Jesus taught and lived includes deliverance and healing for our whole being: spirit, soul, and body.
The Cleansing Stream Discipleship Training, prepares those who participate to minister deliverance. The training disciples those to minister on a team to others in the local Church and one-on-one to the larger Body of Christ at Cleansing Stream Retreats. This training has a substantial commitment and is for those who have received healing and deliverance themselves through The Cleansing Stream Seminar and Retreat, and are prayerfully chosen by the Pastoral Leadership in their local church.
The Training effectively combines discipleship, ministry and accountability to provide strong Biblical foundations from which to move into ministry.
For more information about Cleansing Stream Discipleship and how to get started in your church contact the national office at info@cleansingstream.ca or call us at the contact numbers provided.